Cognitect, Inc.(「Cognitect」、「我們」或「我們的」)提供位於 的網站(「網站」)。我們重視並尊重您的隱私權。本「隱私權政策」展現我們對您隱私權的承諾,並說明我們如何使用、揭露和保護網站使用者(「您」、「使用者」或「您的」)的個人資料(定義如下)。造訪網站即表示您明確同意以下所述的個人資料使用和揭露方式。如果您不同意本隱私權政策中所列的條款,請勿造訪網站。
個人資料是可供識別或聯絡特定個人的資料(「個人資料」)。我們通常在您造訪網站上的 網域時,以以下方式收集或接收個人資料:- 當您自願向我們提供資料,例如在我們的論壇或知識庫上張貼問題、解答或內容,或聯絡我們時;- 我們透過您使用我們網站自動收集資料;以及- 其他方,例如 GitHub,可能會向我們提供資料或授予我們存取資料的權限,而這些資料可以合理地與您連結。
Each of these methods is described in more detail below: - Information You Voluntarily Choose to Provide - The Personal Information we collect from you will vary depending on the services you are using, parts of the Website you are visiting, and how you access those services and/or Website. The Personal Information you provide to us may include any information you submit to us through email and post on our knowledgebase and forum. - You agree not to submit information that contain or reference, and understand and agree we have no obligations or liability with respect to: (i) information that can identify an individual in relation to any past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition, provision of health care, or payment for the provision of health care, including, but not limited to, diagnoses, treatment information, medical test results, and prescription information; and/or (ii) an individual’s race, ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, genetic data, biometric data, sex life or sexual orientation. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge in no event will Cognitect be liable to you or any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, lost profits, remote, cover, exemplary, consequential, special, or punitive damages, regardless of the foreseeability of such damages resulting from your submission of any such information. - Information Collected Automatically When You Use the Website Like most websites, we collect basic web traffic information (such as IP addresses) to monitor overall usage of our Website, understand Website traffic patterns, and identify if there are problems on the Website. - Information We Receive from Others In some cases, other parties provide us with Personal Information about you, or allow us to collect Personal Information about you. Although we cannot control your privacy settings at those websites or how those other parties protect your privacy, once we receive information about you through those websites, we will treat it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. - You may also be able to link an account from third-party websites, such as GitHub, to our Website. This may allow you to use your credentials from the other site or service to sign in to certain features on our Website. If you link your account from a third-party site or service, we may collect information from those third-party accounts, and any information that we collect will be governed by this Privacy Policy.
我們使用您的個人資料:- 提供您要求的服務或資料;- 開發、提供和改善我們的服務、使用者體驗和其他產品;- 關於您使用網站和/或產品與您溝通;- 衡量我們內容的成效;- 監控網站的效能;- 監控和管理網站上的線上社群互動(例如,我們知識庫和論壇上的問題、解答和貼文);- 保護我們的權利和我們網站訪客的權利;- 保護公司、您或我們其他網站訪客的重大利益(例如,在緊急情況下);以及- 進行內部稽核。我們也會收集以彙總形式呈現的資料,這些資料本身無法直接與任何特定個人產生關聯。我們可能會收集、使用、傳輸和揭露彙總或其他非個人資料,以供任何目的使用。
Cognitect 絕不會向任何第三方揭露您的個人資訊,但下列情況除外:- 保密地提供給我們的專業顧問、會計師、保險公司、律師和稽核人員;- 如果 Cognitect 或其資產已或可能被第三方收購,則可以將資訊提供給該第三方及其顧問;- 在特殊情況下,Cognitect 可能被法律要求或允許揭露個人資訊,例如在揭露資訊是為了符合任何適用法律、法規、法律程序或其他法律義務時;偵測、調查並協助防止安全、詐欺或技術問題;和/或保護 Cognitect、我們的員工或網站其他使用者的權利、財產或安全;或 - 在您同意的情況下。
Cognitect 絕不會販售您的個人資訊。
Cognitect 可能會將您的個人資訊揭露給 Cognitect 的母公司、關係企業、子公司和我們共同擁有企業控制權的任何其他企業(統稱為「關係企業」)。所有從我們取得您資訊的關係企業,在使用和揭露此類資訊時,都必須遵守本隱私權政策的條款。
Cognitect 致力於確保您的資訊安全。我們致力於採取所有合理措施,確保我們掌握的您的任何資訊安全,並確保這些資訊準確且最新。您的資訊儲存在受控設施中受保護的安全伺服器上。除了本隱私權政策中所述的資訊分享外,個人可識別資訊不會被公開存取,我們要求我們的員工和資料處理人員尊重任何個人資訊的機密性。使用者個人資料中的任何個人可識別資訊都是私密的。
我們不會將我們的網站導向兒童(通常被認為未滿 13 歲,視您居住的國家而定)。我們也不會透過我們的網站故意收集兒童的個人資料。如果您是兒童的父母或監護人,並且您認為我們無意間收到了關於該兒童的個人資料,請按照本隱私權政策的「聯絡我們」部分所述與我們聯繫,我們將採取合理的步驟從我們的記錄中移除該資料。
加州民法典第 1798.100 條等(也稱為 2018 年加州消費者隱私法)(「CCPA」)對加州居民就其個人資料提供某些權利。加州居民有權要求我們揭露某些資料,包括:(1) 我們收集的關於該加州居民的個人資料類別,(2) 收集個人資料的來源類別,(3) 收集或出售個人資料的商業或商業目的,(4) Cognitect 分享個人資料的第三方類別,以及 (5) 我們收集的關於該居民的特定個人資料。加州居民有權要求我們刪除其個人資料。最後,加州居民有權因行使 CCPA 賦予的隱私權而免於遭受歧視。您可以透過寄電子郵件至 來要求此類個人資料並變更您的個人資料。
根據加州民法第 1789.3 條,加州使用者有權獲得以下消費者權利通知:加州居民可透過郵件寄至 1625 North Market Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95834,或撥打電話 (916) 445-1254 或 (800) 952-5210,聯繫加州消費者事務部消費者服務部門的申訴協助單位。
本網站包含連結至其他網站。這些第三方網站有獨立的隱私權政策。第三方網站的隱私權政策和適用的使用條款將規範您與此類第三方網站的互動。我們鼓勵您檢閱連結網站的隱私權政策,因為 Cognitect 不對這些第三方網站的作法、內容和/或隱私權政策負責。儘管如此,我們仍致力於保護本網站的完整性,並歡迎您提供有關這些第三方網站的任何意見回饋。
We process information defined as personal data under applicable data protection law ("Personal Data") for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, as described above. - Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data: Our legal basis to process Personal Data, such as for the purposes listed above in the "How Do We Use Your Personal Information?" section, includes processing that is: - necessary to comply with legal requirements (for example, to comply with applicable accounting rules and to make mandatory disclosures to law enforcement); - protection of the vital interests of a natural person (for example, in the event of an emergency); - necessary for our legitimate interests (for example, to manage our relationship with you and to improve the Website and our services); and - based on your consent (for example, to communicate with you about the Website and services), which may subsequently be withdrawn at any time (by contacting us at without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. - In some instances, you may be required to provide us with Personal Data for processing as described above, in order for us to be able to provide you all of our services, and for you to use all the features of the Website. - Please be aware your Personal Data may be collected, managed, transferred to, processed, and stored or accessed in a country different other than your country of residence. In addition, we may make other disclosures of your Personal Data outside of your country of residence, for example, in the event we receive a legal or regulatory request from a foreign law enforcement body. We will always take steps designed to ensure any transfer of such information outside your country of residence is carefully managed to protect your rights and interests by implementing appropriate safeguards to protect your Personal Data. Data protection laws in any such country may be different from those laws of your country of residence. By visiting the Website and accepting this Privacy Policy, you consent to the transfer of your information, including Personal Data, to such country(ies) as set forth in this Privacy Policy.
如果您想進一步了解這些保障措施,以及取得這些保障措施副本的方法,請透過 與我們聯繫。
Cognitect 的網站和活動可能會持續成長和改變。因此,我們的隱私權政策將不時進行檢討和修訂。您應偶爾查看此頁面,以確保您熟悉這些變更。每當我們變更隱私權政策時,我們會在我們的網站上發布更新版本,包括最後修訂日期。
此隱私權政策最後修訂於 2021 年 8 月 25 日。
如果您對我們如何處理您的個人資訊和保護您的隱私有任何疑問,請隨時透過 與我們聯繫,或撥打 919.283.2748。您也可以將要求郵寄至
101 W. Chapel Hill Street., Suite 300
Durham, NC 27701